Wawakapewin First Nation

Image credit: About Wawakapewin First Nation | Wawakapewin First Nation


Wawakapewin First Nation is a member of the Wataynikaneyap Transmission Project and was grid connected in August 2023.  Upon grid connection, Hydro One Remotes became the electricity distributor within the community for the 38 (2023) on-reserve residents of the remote, fly-in, Oji-Cree speaking community located in Northern Ontario on beautiful Long Dog Lake.


Wawakapewin First Nation is a member of Shibogama First Nations Tribal Council: shibogama.on.ca

For more information on Wawakapewin First Nation visit www.wawakapewin.ca

Visit wataypower.ca for information on the Wataynikaneyap Transmission Powerline Project.